Non-Consentual Sex in Your Free Erotic Version of Red Riding Hood PLUS Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land

Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful LandDo you have fantasies of non-consentual sex? If so, grab your free copy of my bestselling erotic version of Red Riding Hood here, and be prepared to be grabbed and taken by an alpha male. Want more? Here’s your chance to win a free copy of my erotic version of Alice in Wonderland, Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land. Drink me, Eat me, and Enter me to qualify to get your free copy of Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land by answering the rafflecopter question. 

Red Riding Hood's Sexual Discovery of Non-Con Sex
Click here for your free copy! Today’s the last day! (10/18/12)

Do you like erotic fairy tales? If so, what fairy tale would you like me to write an erotic version of? Do you have a specific erotic fantasy for that fairy tale? Share it with me and I’ll make it come true…in writing. 😉 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

An Excerpt from Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land


Alice, the Hatter, and the Hare listened in silence as the erotic words left Minnie’s lips. Alice admired how the Hatter and Hare gazed upon Minnie with love in their eyes. Such a contrast to Minnie’s reading of The Story of O. Every so often, the Hatter and the Hare drank from their teacups. 

“ ‘Finally, finished with her, they moved away…’ ” Then Minnie stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Alice asked.

“What do they mean by ‘finished’?” Minnie said.

“You know,” Alice said. “They had an orgasm.”

“What’s an ‘orgasm’?” Minnie asked.

Alice scowled feeling confused. Did Minnie have the same problem with reaching climax?

“You know when you have sex?” Alice asked.

The Hatter said, “Male or female?”

“No,” Alice said. “Sex like what they were talking about in the book.”

The Hare said, “They weren’t talking about gender?”


Minnie murmured, “I think I may have completely misunderstood this story.”

The Hare and Hatter looked at Minnie and nodded sympathetically.

Alice looked at the three of them. They seemed to love each other so much. And without having made love. Alice realized she could be the one to take them to a whole new height of appreciating each other. With both the Hatter and the Hare, there was ample penetration that could even provide Minnie with the orgasm she so deserved.

“I’ll do it,” Alice said.

“Do what?” The Hatter asked.

“I’ll show you what an orgasm is, and while I’ll definitely be able to get you guys to experience one, Minnie, I’ll do my best to make sure you have one, too.”

“Yay!” Minnie said. “Do I get to choose its color?”

Alice chuckled. “Orgasms don’t come in different colors,” she said.

“Then I guess I’ll have it in its normal color,” Minnie said.


6 responses to “Non-Consentual Sex in Your Free Erotic Version of Red Riding Hood PLUS Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land”

  1. jessica baker-bridgers Avatar
    jessica baker-bridgers

    I love your books>>>>almost done>>>>>>>review to come!!!!

  2. Rosanna Leo Avatar
    Rosanna Leo

    Best wishes on this excellent giveaway!

  3. Downloaded ‘riding hood’ & lookinf forward to other erotic fairy tales. Leann

  4. Charlina Vairo Avatar
    Charlina Vairo

    I look forward to reading you work! Just downloaded red riding hood!

  5. I would like to win this one.

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