Hansel and Gretel, Witch Hunters in Erotica?

Hansel and Gretel with the Sexual HunterToday the movie Hansel and Gretel, Witch Hunters is released and even though it’s received some vanilla reviews, I plan on seeing it. Who doesn’t like watching an alpha male with a strong, kick-ass heroine dressed in a catsuit? And even if it turns out Hansel and Gretel the witch hunters don’t get my heart pumping, I’ll get hot and bothered watching things explode.

It turns out that I had a draft of an erotic version of Hansel and Gretal story back in 2012. To keep in the spirit of the times, I raised the skirts of my writing and used a nice thick pen to give some deep edits to my story. And to really celebrate, my book Hansel and Gretel with the Sexual Hunter will be free for all of Friday and Saturday, January 25 and January 26.

What about you? Do you plan to spend $10.00 to see Hansel and Gretel, Witch Hunters? Or would you rather save your dollars and soak in a bathtub reading Hansel and Gretel with the Sexual Hunter?

My sexy fantasy is available here: http://bit.ly/EroticHanselGretel. Find out what Hansel does to Gretel, and what their sexual hunter does to them when they’re tied down! My gift to you! *Wink*




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