Lucky 7 – 7 lines from my erotic Alice Through the Looking Glass

Erotic Alice Through the Looking Glass7 Lines from my Erotic Alice Through the Looking Glass

I was tagged in a Twitter-based writers’ exercise called Lucky Seven (or, rather, because it’s Twitter, #luckyseven):

– Go to page 7 or 77 in your current work-in-progress (WIP) manuscript

– Go to line 7

– Post on your blog the next 7 lines or sentences – as they are!!

– Tag 7 other people to do the same (apparently people do this on Twitter itself)


I just finished the rough draft of my erotic version of Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Here are the seven lines, raw, rough, unedited, and uncensored:


Alice liked the looks of the next statue, a well-built man in a loin cloth with a look of determination pointed down at the ground in front of him. Alice positioned herself so that his gaze fell upon her. What was he determined to do to her?

She read the plaque: Serelius – For the queen, he ripped off the witch’s robes, stripping her of her dignity. Long live the queen!

Alice licked her lips. Is that what you want to do to me, Serelius?

She looked down at her nakedness and chuckled. I’m afraid you’re a bit too late.




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